Warning: Offsite links are not safe spaces. Articles and comments in the links may contain ableist, sexist, and other -ist language and ideas of varying intensity. Opinions expressed in the articles may not reflect the opinions held by the compiler of the post and links are provided as topics of interest and exploration only. I attempt to provide extra warnings for material like extreme violence/rape; however, your triggers/issues may vary, so please read with care.
Brilliant Mind, Broken Body: Emergency Fail (Thanks for the link, Kali!)
The ER supervisor said I had the option of going elsewhere. Bullshit. When you’ve been brought in by ambulance because you’re barely able to stand with tons of assistance, you don’t have the option of going somewhere else. Especially when somewhere else is on the far side of the city.
SexAbility: Decision Made (Warning: Some images and content NSFW) Thanks to K for the link!
So I’ve finally decided to shut down SexAbility. I know folks have said before, “keep it up, it’s a good reference. But honestly? It’s more trouble then it’s worth. And truth is…
Crozier Center for Women: Jon Stewart’s Rally to Restor Sanity (Thanks to Monica for the link)
The implicit message behind the “Rally to Restore Sanity” is that individuals influencing America’s current political climate are “insane.” Crazy. Wacko. It’s Stewart pointing at a picture of Beck and circling an index finger around his ear. And it pisses me off.
Australian Broadcasting Company: Mentally ill “falling through the cracks”
“The number of consumers who’ve come to us and found that they just can’t get on, they can’t communicate with the agencies and they’re left often in great poverty, in great mental concern,” [Mr. Asher] said.
McClellan: Woman’s disability not evident to judge
Attorney Jeffrey Swaney was at the Social Security office representing another client when Marcella’s case was called.
“I was sitting in the waiting room when they called her. I knew it was an appeal, and I remember thinking, ‘How could this woman have been denied?’ You could see she was profoundly disabled,” he said.
Later that afternoon, Swaney got a phone call from Lisa. She had seen his ad in the Yellow Pages about Social Security disability claims.
“She said her aunt had just had an appeal and had been denied and she started describing it, and I said, ‘I was sitting right behind you.'”
So Swaney took the case. He said the problem was a lack of medical documentation.
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Thanks for the hat-tip! I was so enfuriated by what happened. It is so hard to believe it when utterly blatent discrimination happens to you…