Consultation on guidance about definition of disability in Equality Act 2010
The Equality Act 2010 is a new piece of legislation that will replace the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA).
The Equality Act includes the legal definition of a disabled person who is protected from discrimination. This definition is slightly different from the definition used in the DDA. It will make the law easier to understand.
Because of this change, the government is updating the guidance that helps people to understand how the definition works. We have published draft guidance that reflects these changes and a consultation document, which asks for your views. We are seeking views on whether the draft guidance will help people understand the definition of disability.
We are particularly interested in views from organisations (such as courts and tribunals) that will use the guidance when deciding whether someone is a disabled person. It will also be of interest to people and organisations that give advice about the Act.
The consultation closes on 31 October 2010.