Saturday Poetry

While I can never deny loving YouTube vids of singing in Sign, I’d like to post some examples of other art created by people with disabilities. Today, I thought I’d link to some poetry.

I’m only going to quote a line or two from each poem, as I think it’s important to read the whole poem.

Until the Day by Laura Hershey

(Inspired by, and dedicated to, Constance McMillan)

Until the day
the two girls in tuxedos

Fallen by Elizabeth Switaj [In Black Market Review]

I am watching the angels break their skulls

They are not the angels

Above the Cafe, by Elizabeth Switaj

darken night with coffee

April Poetry by cripchick

if i had time to make a zine, i’d put all these poems together. april is national poetry month so a bunch of radical women of color poets and i attempted to write a poem a day. this is what came about for me (ones on the top are the most recent):

[There are 8 poems, I don’t want to quote just one.]

I would give…. by blackamazon [Trigger warning for description of self-harm]

I would give….

all hope

of ever being seen as beautiful

3 thoughts on “Saturday Poetry

  1. I read some of the poems (not too many at once, else I’ll stop apreciating every single one; I’ll come back). They’re beautiful, and I thank you for posting them. I would also thank you if you could add a trigger warning for self-harm to the last link.

  2. Oh, of course Lounalune. Sorry, I didn’t think of it, and this is the first time I’ve been online most of the day.

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