- Recommended Reading for December 1
Recommended Reading for Tuesday, December 1, 2009
- Reading List: Mental Health Diversion Courts
Yes, this looks like our daily Recommended Reading posts that Anna does for us every day – but it’s different. Reading List is a selection of links around a single issue or topic, as a start for those interested in exploring it further. The initial edition, on mental health diversion courts, was sparked when I ...
- Recommended Reading for November 30
Recommended Reading for November 30, 2009
- Some Thoughts on The Time Traveler’s Wife
This post contains spoilers for the book and the film.
The other day I went to see the film version of my favourite book, Audrey Niffenegger’s The Time Traveler’s Wife. I was expecting a more gooey version of the book, and was a little apprehensive about the treatment of disability, but I wasn’t expecting what I ...
- “Cast Offs” – A Warning for Rape-threat Content
Cast Offs is a new British TV show. This scripted fake-reality show aims to spoof Survivor-type shows by placing six people with different disabilities (all physical or sensory) on an island. All are played by actors with a disability. The show also shows a series of flashbacks, with each episode focusing on one of the ...
- Chatterday! Open Thread. And planned outage on Monday.
This is our weekly Chatterday! open thread. Use this open thread to talk amongst yourselves: feel free to share a link, have a vent, or spread some joy.
What have you been reading or watching lately (remembering spoiler warnings)? What are you proud of this week? What’s made your teeth itch? What’s going on in ...
- Recommended Reading for November 27
via Elizabeth Kissling at re:Cycling: Mental Illness in Academe
The first question you must ask yourself is whether to tell your chair and dean. I can think of arguments both in favor of that, and against.
One of the pluses would be the psychological benefits of not having a secret and being able to be open. More ...
- QuickPress: “Success” of Automatic Captioning on YouTube
It is, of course, new technology, so we’ll see what happens in the future, but check this picture from Codeman38:
Description: A screen capture of a YouTube vid showing a person rock climbing. The auto caption reads: “for doing what I mean as well as democrats”. Codeman38 has captioned it: Google auto-caption fail. ...
- I don’t have a “real” mental health condition, I’m just weak, and other bad self-talk
One of the hardest things for me in dealing with my mental health condition is my very strong theory that everyone else is having exactly the same problems that I am, but they’re just 8 million times better at dealing with them, and hiding them from everyone else. And thus, I don’t talk about ...
- Recommended Reading for November 26
Recommended Reading for November 26, 2009