
  • Recommended Reading for Monday, December 6, 2010
    Today is December 6th, which in Canada is the anniversary of the Montreal Massacre . I wrote about it last year. It’s been a very long year. There are things I said then that I might not say now, but I do wonder, always, about a memorial for our ...
  • But is she taking her medication? Movies & Myths About Crazy Roommates
    Don and I went to see a movie the other night, and gosh, we had fun! I mean, there’s nothing funner than going out for a nice evening with your husband and being confronted straight on with the knowledge that one of the scariest things some people can imagine is being forced to live ...
  • Wikipedia and Disability
    I know I’m not alone in being aware that there are people who still insist – despite all evidence to the contrary – that disability rights activism sprung into existence the moment they were first irritated by someone saying “He, that’s ableist”. I like that editors at Wikipedia have worked hard to develop the ...
  • Wild Women With Disabilities Speak Out
    The video is subtitled. Transcription: Title Image: Reflections from MIUSA’s WILD2010 Wild Women with Disabilities Speak Out Global Fund for Women Narrator: In August, I had the privilege of representing the Global Fund for Women at the Women’s Institute on Leadership and Development, or WILD, a three-week program hosted by Mobility International USA. Women disability rights activists came ...
  • Thoughts on Record of the Dead
    When we first discussed keeping a record of the names of people with disabilities whose murders or mysterious deaths had made the news, we thought it would be something we’d post four times a year. We started gathering the names with the expectation the first posting would be in December. We realised very quickly there ...
  • Recommended Reading for 3 December, 2010
    Gentle reader, be cautioned: comments sections on mainstream media sites tend to not be safe and we here at FWD/Forward don’t necessarily endorse all the opinions in these pieces. Let’s jump right in, shall we? It’s Your Fault! by that stunning and mysterious being, Chally, at the Don’t DIS My ABILITY blog: The thing is, people with ...
  • Guest Post: I Do Not Suffer From Autism
    Rachel Cohen-Rottenberg is a wife, mother, writer, editor, artist, photographer, and leader of the Vermont Chapter of the Autistic Self Advocacy Network (ASAN). She blogs ...
  • Record of the Dead for November 2010
    Trigger warning for discussion of murder and abuse of people with disabilities. This month’s list also includes disabled people who were victims of sex-based crimes before their deaths.
  • Recommended Reading for 2 December, 2010
    I am quite, quite as shocked as s.e. that it is December! Gentle reader, be cautioned: comments sections on mainstream media sites tend to not be safe and we here at FWD/Forward don’t necessarily endorse all the opinions in these pieces. Let’s jump right in, shall we? There’s Respect, and Then There’s Respect by a rather ...
  • An open letter to abled people who like to glare at people who use disabled parking spaces
    Also see: An open letter to abled people who use disabled parking spaces by Annaham, which this is jumping off from. Since I drafted this, s.e. also wrote Dear Imprudence: Who Appointed You the Parking Police?! Dear abled people who like to glare at people who use disabled parking spaces, Hi there. It’s great that you’re so ...