Weekly Events Roundup

As always, these events are not endorsed by us in any way, and unfortunately I can’t tell you any more about them than what is at the applicable links.

Also, things are a little wonky on my end because of Hurricane Earl, but both Don and I are fine, having made it back to our apartment during a lull in the storm. But I’m a bit scattered right now!

Memorial Events (All in North America) – Conferences (All in Europe) – Art Show/Call for Submissions of Art (All in North America)

Memorial Events:


Unveiling Ceremony
Memorial Wall Plaques Dedicated to Patient Labourers Past

This year marks the 150th anniversary of the oldest part of the patient built boundary wall, constructed in 1860, which stands on the south side of the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) at 1001 Queen Street West, Toronto. These patient-built walls, along with the 1888-89 walls on the east and west sides, are a testament to the abilities of people whose unpaid labour was central to the operation of asylums in the Province of Ontario during the 19th & 20th centuries.

Join us as we unveil a series of nine memorial plaques in remembrance.

Saturday, September 25, 2010 at 1:00 p.m.
Corner of Queen Street West and Shaw Street.

A tour of the wall and all nine plaques will follow the dedication ceremony.

Sponsored by Psychiatric Survivor Archives, Toronto (PSAT), CAMH,
and the generous support of many community donors.

For more information or media inquiries, please call 416-595-6015; 416-661-9975. (via NEADS)


United Kingdom

The Lancaster Disability Studies Conference is taking place 7-9th September 2010. Over 150 presenters will be giving papers and showing posters.

There will be a live webcast of the keynote sessions which can be can be viewed at http://www.lancs.ac.uk/iss/digital/disability/
The recordings will also be made available on the conference website afterwards http://www.lancs.ac.uk/disabilityconference/

Tuesday 7 September 2010
11.30-12.30 Plenary – Caroline Gooding
17.30-18.30 Plenary – Liz Crow

Wednesday 8 September 2010
9.30-10.30 Plenary – Ruth Gould
13.30-14.30 Plenary – Adolf Ratzka

Thursday 9 September 2010
11.30-12.30 Plenary – Alana Officer

Details about the plenary talks and the full book of abstracts are available on the conference website.

Registration is open for the Currents in the Mainstream conference:

The MeCCSA Disability Studies Network presents a conference on current images of disability at De Montfort University, Leicester on the 22nd September from 9-30/10.00 until 4-30. This day conference aims to re-visit and re-evaluate the complex issues at stake in contemporary representations of disability and impairment from a variety of critical perspectives, investigating both continuities and new trends in representing disability.

Presenters include Paul Darke, Debs Williams and Sonali Shah.Papers
/presentations will include work on televison, film, journalism and
performance. For more details please see Currents in the Mainstream


Conference: ‘Diversity in Quality of Life’
December 2-4 2010
VU University, Amsterdam

Disability Studies in Nederland wants to celebrate its first anniversary and the start of its research program with an international conference in cooperation with VU University, which supports this event as part of the lustrum agenda Freedom and Responsibility, on occasion of its 130th birthday. To promote the disability studies approach in The Netherlands the conference will focus on a key concept in mainstream academic approaches to disability, namely ‘quality of life’. It raises the question of how this concept can be used in a disability studies perspective.


ENIL invites you to an international conference co-organized with YHD (Association for the culture and theory of handicap), 8 & 9 September 2010, Ljlubljana, Slovenia

The conference will be implemented under the
EDFEO programme for the year 2010 (European driving force for equal opportunities), within which YHD is coordinating the Eastern European group.

Location: City Hotel, Dalmatinova 15, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia.

There’s more information at the ENIL website (scroll down).

Art Show:

United State

Mad Gifts: An Art Show

An exhibition of inspired artwork by Icaristas throughout the Northeast; a celebration of our visionary talents and community; a fundraiser; and an opportunity to share TIP with others.


November 5, 2010 – December 7, 2010

Opening Reception: Friday, November 5, 7PM-9PM


Feel free to keep us updated on events!

3 thoughts on “Weekly Events Roundup

  1. You mean events like the yearly NVA Autisme Congres (the Netherlands) in October?
    If so, here is a link: http://www.autisme.nl/congres2010.html?mnu=tmain100:shome&s=1&l=nl (clicking the picture next to the blue text at the bottom opens a PDF containing the schedule and some info. Everything is all in Dutch).

    I’ll be attending this year, as I do every year. NVA is far from perfect, but it’s far from totally awful too, as an organisation. The Congres is usually interesting, with spikes of enjoyability and also some spikes of fear and fail (like the time they had a DAN! stand on the info market all out of the blue). I always leave them detailed feedback which I hope they pay some attention to.

    If this is not the stuff you mean, just ignore or delete.

  2. I suspect it’s exactly what I mean! But I can’t read Dutch, sadly. If I were to put it up with a blurb (in Dutch) explaining what it was, what section would I C&P?

    Thank you for bringing it to my attention! 🙂

  3. Ugh, I totally didn’t even think of just translating a piece of it… you know… being a translator and all *sighs at self*.

    You could copy/paste the little blue bit next to the picture-link, which has the location of the venue, and it says that clicking the picture will take you to the pdf which has info on times, speakers, etc.

    From the pdf, you could copy/paste (part of) the blurb beneath “Inleiding” on the second page (here it means introduction). It’s a little long, so you could also just skip the beginning of it and copy/paste from “Dit jaar [….]” onwards. This introduction is done by Fred Stekelenburg, director of the NVA.

    The beginning up until “Dit jaar” is about is starting to become a real tradition, and that people keep on being interested in it en masse, which pleases the NVA but is also a concern because it means that apprently there is still too little info about autism in the Netherlands. Then he says that they will of course keep on making the congres as interesting as they can and how he’s convinced that they succeeded in that area for this year.

    Then from “Dit jaar” onwards it says they have 9 speakers this year and then he explains a bit about what they will be speaking about (medication; how parents influence the development of their (autistic) child f.e. through their emotional states etc; food and autism; autism in children and adults with the MCDD diagnosis; what role animals (mainly dogs) can play in an autistic person’s life; autism in the elderly; and 3 personal experience stories)
    They will also show another of their educational films, about autism and the law.
    At the end he mentions the “information market” that will be up all day at the Autismecongres, which people can visit when they want, and then he says he hopes to see everyone on 8 or 9 October.

    From that, you may already be able to tell at which bits I’m afraid I’ll be *facepalming* or cringing.

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