I’m sorry this is short today – something came up in my personal life.
Assumptions: Unfair & Not Unfair
This is an ethics professor discussing the ethics of caring for patients whose injuries were, in our view as physicians, “brought upon themselves”, or for patients whom we don’t necessarily like.
Racist, Sexist, and Homophobic
I posted Monday about the “Writing the Other” panel at Millennicon. Today I wanted to address one of the comments. Jim Van Pelt … described an academic panel in which the moderator opened by saying, “If you are white, male and straight in America, you are also, automatically racist, sexist and homophobic.” Comment link here.
This next part is scary to write. To be clear, I’m not talking about you. I’m not talking about Van Pelt. I’m not talking about anyone except myself, ‘kay?
That moderator is correct. I am a straight white male raised in the U.S. I am also racist. I am sexist. I am homophobic.
How the left enables the right’s racism: The Obama rape comic TRIGGER WARNING
But what really got my side-eye going was AlterNet’s accompanying article to the cartoon, where I originally saw the cartoon. Once again, it’s another progressive dismissal of racism and racists as “something” thought/said/done by “them” over “there.” Of course, the post’s intent (sigh) is calling out the blatantly viciously anti-Black bigotry while offering some sort of “compassion” to those “afflicted” with the “racist condition.” Well, sort of.
However, calling out racism as a “mental illness” both enables the racism and is ableist to those with differing mental and physical capabilities than the “able-bodied.”
Fighting Ableism Fights Sexual Assault TRIGGER WARNING
Women with disabilities are more than twice as likely to be victims of rape or sexual assault than women without disabilities. More than twice as likely than what is already a terrifyingly high probability of being a victim of rape or sexual assault. I myself am a woman with a mental health disability who is also a victim of sexual assault, and seeing this statistic always makes my stomach drop and my muscles tense. But when I think about it, what influences that statistic, it makes perfect sense. Rape and sexual assault are crimes of power and control. Women with disabilities are subject to sets of interlocking, intersecting oppressions on the basis of their gender and their disability status. Both gender-based oppression and disability-based oppression separately accept and even encourage abuse and denigration of people in those groups. So of course it makes sense that sexism and ableism would add to each other, reinforce each other’s power, resulting in the heightened vulnerability to assault reflected in the statistics.
Um, I might be the only one who finds this rather ironic, but why are there no image descriptions for the accessible keyboards?
I read the articles (and good they were!) but I didn’t find anything relating to visual impairment specifically, n’now I’m curious, what made you choose that image?
-Me again, nevermind, was a problem on my end, damn my technological incompetence. Still curious about the pictures, though.
…Although, since I generally just use zoomtext instead of the screen reader (and I’m prolly not the only one who does), it mightn’t be a bad idea to put a description under the image too as zoomtext can really kill the images depending on how it’s set up.
I include pictures as part of the recommended reading, not as a supplement or highlight to it, if that makes sense. One of the big things that I hear from people is that they don’t see a lot of examples of assistive tech or just “regular” images of people with disabilities using assistive tech. Thus, pictures. 🙂 All with a creative commons license.
I’ll start adding a description after the image, and pass along. 🙂 Thank you!