Daily Archives: 9 February, 2010

Recommended Reading for February 10th

WARNING: Offsite links are not safe spaces. Articles and comments in the links may contain ableist, sexist, and other -ist language of varying intensity. Opinions expressed in the articles may not reflect the opinions held by the compiler of the post. I attempt to provide extra warnings for material like extreme violence/rape; however, your triggers/issues may vary, so please read with care.

black and white photo of wheelchair users squaredancing, and a caller. There is movement blurring.

Edmonton Journal: Rockin’ rollers spin the night away: Swinging Spokes troupe puts fancy wheelwork into their square dancing

When Al Deby calls for “fancy footwork” from the Swinging Spokes, he expects both fast feet and snappy steering.

Half of the square dance troupe get around in wheelchairs and nimble rolling is essential. That and quick wits, to help navigate a setup that’s more rhombus than square. […]

But the Swinging Spokes are old pros at this. Modelled after Vancouver’s Wheeling Eights and run through the Paralympic Sports Association, the group has been dancing since 1976 and have travelled cross-country to boogie at jamborees, nursing homes, shopping malls, and every Canadian National Square and Round Dance convention, held biennially.

CaitieCat at Shakesville: Russian Debate About Rights of the Disabled

(Trigger warning: this post discusses a progressive response to a violent ‘solution’ to the problem of people with disabilities, as well as some language which will be very offensive to people with disabilities) […]

One of my Russian friends posted a link today to a post on Livejournal – which has always had a thriving Russian-speaking community, where it’s called “zheh-zheh”, analogous to our “el-jay” – about a journalist on a Moscow radio station who’d posed the question: “Do ‘defective’ children have the right to life?”

Afronline: Disabled rights group seek 20 seats in House

Representatives of disabled people have asked the Committee of Experts and the House to give them at least 20 seats in the next Parliament. This the number would comprise 15 seats in the National Assembly through mixed representation and five seats in the Senate. The group also wants at least one representative in all constitutional commissions.

Wales Online: Study to look at ways of protecting the vulnerable

A three-year research study has been launched in a bid to keep people with learning disabilities safe from abuse.

The project by the University of Glamorgan, New Pathways in Merthyr Tydfil and Rhondda Cynon Taff People First, has received more than £410,000 from the Big Lottery Fund.

The study will explore what people with learning disabilities understand by abuse, what help and support they need to keep themselves safe from abuse and, if someone has been abused, what are the best ways to provide support. It comes after people with learning disabilities have been identified as some of the most vulnerable in society. […]

An earlier work has found that people with learning disabilities are rarely consulted on policy and do not know what is available to protect them.

Brimbank Leader: Disabled doesn’t mean unable for Taylors Lakes woman

Ms [Elvira] Alic is heading Models of Diversity~Down Under, an extension of the UK-born campaign Models of Diversity founded by Angel Sinclair. […]

In January, Ms Alic, who has spinal muscular atrophy type 2, auditioned for Australia’s Next Top Model with fellow campaigner Jodie De Ruvo. While she said they received the recognition they were after from the judges, there were no ramps available to get on stage.

“That itself shows people will assume people with disabilities won’t go to auditions,” Ms Alic said. “You should be able to go there and hold your head up high.”

The Australian: Disabled in remote areas abandoned

The disabled are left to fend for themselves in remote Aboriginal communities, and the Northern Territory’s worst mental health cases are confined to isolation cells in prison, a damning report that has been suppressed by the Labor government reveals.

Evelyn Evelyn: Ableism Ableism?

Let’s get something out of the way: I say this out of love and respect. I say this as a fellow artist (albeit an unknown one). I also very much doubt that the people involved in this project have created it with any bad intentions. That said, however, intentions don’t equal a free pass for an end result, particularly if the end result is problematic.

I am conflicted, to put it mildly, about this latest project in which singer and pianist Amanda Palmer has involved herself (full disclosure: I am a fan of Palmer’s music). For those who need a refresher, she and fellow musician Jason Webley are performing together as Evelyn Evelyn, a fictional set of conjoined twins and former circus performers with an elaborate past who reside in (of course!) Walla Walla, Washington. The group’s upcoming self-titled album seems to be getting quite a bit of press in the indie world. Part of the press release reads as follows:

Rather than being limited by their unique physical condition, the Evelyn sisters prove that two heads are indeed better than one. Audiences will marvel at the twins as they dexterously perform their original compositions on piano, guitar, ukulele, accordion and even drums.

Ah, yes! It’s the “overcoming disability” trope, with a heaping side of totally unexpected and not-at-all-stereotypical circus-freakdom. Might Evelyn Evelyn be musical Supercrips?

And then:

Unsatisfied with the grind of circus life, at the age of nineteen the twins decided to explore a solo career. It was then that they were discovered by Amanda Palmer and Jason Webley, who heard the twins’ music on MySpace. Webley and Palmer encouraged the twins and offered to help them record a proper album.

The album will be accompanied by a full US and European tour and – later this year – a graphic novel about the twins’ inspiring life, illustrated by Cynthia von Buhler and published by Dark Horse Press.

The stereotypes about disability here are pretty well-worn: according to this (fictional) backstory, the twins were “discovered by” and need “help” from two abled individuals, Palmer and Webley, to realize their musical potential. Add to this their “inspiring” origin story — which is fodder for a graphic novel tie-in — and you’ve got yourself one hell of a three-ring circus of disability stereotypes.

Thus far, it looks like Evelyn Evelyn’s primary aim is to be “inspiring” to abled folks (and to be a bit of creative fun for Palmer and Webley). The three songs currently available on MySpace only serve to continue this trope; “A Campaign of Shock and Awe,” in particular, casts the twins as “the 8th wonder of the natural world.” Good to know that even fictional people with disabilities are not exempt from being cast as “wonders” from which non-disabled people can draw inspiration and “marvel” at. Sound familiar? Add in a dash of hipster ableism and you’ve got something that looks positively transgressive, especially in comparison to the rest of the music industry.

Unfortunately, Evelyn Evelyn seems like a project that is far from actually being transgressive, even given the initial appearance of said transgression (because what’s more shocking and weird than conjoined twins, at least according to abled culture?). The project, as far as I can tell, makes no reference to the ways in which actual people with disabilities are treated in Western culture; this probably seems like a tall order for any musical project, but there is a chasm of difference between at least acknowledging that there are people like this (in this case, conjoined twins) who do exist and that they probably are affected by ableism, and outright appropriation of this uniqueness in the name of art. Certainly, Evelyn Evelyn is fictional, and while Palmer and Webley are not required to make any sort of political statement, the seeming lack of awareness that there are actual conjoined twins and that they do not only exist for abled artists’ dressing-up-and-performing purposes is rather troubling.

The larger cultural context of treatment of real people with disabilities, too, is conveniently forgotten (see the lyrics to “A Campaign of Shock and Awe”); the twins seem to exist in a world that is completely free of ableism (in forms subtle and not), harsh social treatment of PWDs by abled people, and pernicious, damaging stereotypes. This is particularly disappointing given that Palmer has written some great, quite un-stereotypical songs about PWDs and people with mental health conditions (one of which I wrote about in a blog post for Bitch Magazine).

I am a person with disabilities. I am a music fan. I am (sort of) an artist — one who mostly does graphic work about the disabilities of non-fictional people. However, Evelyn Evelyn, as a multimedia project, seems designed to keep people like me — real people with disabilities — out; this is not a new thing, considering the attitudes that folks in our culture hold about people with disabilities and their acceptable social roles. There are other, more creative ways to portray people with disabilities that don’t rely on facile stereotypes or on the ways that PWDs are already represented in popular culture. Representing Evelyn Evelyn as variously inspiring, freakish, weird and a “wonder” just reinforces existing stereotypes about PWDs, while ignoring the cultural context in which the project was conceived; while Evelyn Evelyn may be artistic and, at first glance, “different,” the attitudes beneath the project’s surface seem awfully mainstream.

Special commenting note: First-time commenters, please read and abide by our comments policy. Kindly refrain from commenting if your argument consists of any of the following: “You just don’t get it,” “You do not understand art,” “You are taking this too seriously,” “Evelyn Evelyn is not real, therefore the stereotypes about disability examined here do not matter,”  “Justify your experience and/or disability to me, NOW,” “Why are you criticizing Amanda Palmer? She is brilliant; how dare you!” I am familiar with all of these arguments — please be aware that they will probably not add anything to the discussion because they are classic derailing tactics, and I will most likely decline to publish comments that utilize the above arguments.

Similarly, this is not a thread in which to discuss how much you like or dislike Palmer or Webley’s music in general; comments to the effect of “Her/his music sucks and here’s why” will not be allowed, as they are also derailing.