Quickpress: Upcoming Carnivals!

11th Carnival of Feminists, focusing on Gender Across Borders, is accepting submissions until January 5!

The 62nd Disability Blog Carnival will be at Uppity Crip/Finding My Way, and the theme is holidays! Deadline for submissions is January 11th.

The 5th Asian Women’s Blog Carnival, with the theme of Who I Am When I’m (not) With You, is accepting submissions until February 12th.

The next Down Under Feminists Carnival is planned for 5th January, 2010, and hosted by PharaohKatt at Something More Than Sides. Optional theme: Feminism and Childcare. (So, breastfeeding, parental leave, adoption, childcare as feminism…) Submissions to pharaohkatt at gmail dot com for those who can’t access blogcarnival.

I’m always happy to signal-boost Carnivals, and am not under the mistaken impression that I know all of them. Poke me to remind me of relevant carnivals you know of!