Recommended Reading for December 25

Warning: Offsite links are not safe spaces. Articles and comments in the links may contain ableist, sexist, and other -ist language of varying intensity.

* Bev at Asperger Square 8: How the Grinch Tried to Steal Autistic Self-Advocacy

Each autistic person deserved life a lot…
But the Grinch, who lived outside of Reason,
Thought NOT!
The Grinch hated autism, every season
He liked to chelate cats and give dogs HBOT.

He thought all he could with his tiny green head
About how to prove they’d be better off dead
Until it occurred to him how to derail
Every self-advocate, make them all FAIL. […]

* Liz Spikol at The Trouble with Spikol: Human Rights Violations at Psychiatric “Hospital”

If you haven’t heard of investigative reporter Anas Aremeyaw Anas, that’s a shame. I hadn’t heard of him either until Joe sent me a link to his latest expose on an inpatient facility in Accra, Ghana.

* Kenguru: The Car You Have All Been Waiting For (via Uppity Crip)

The first ever electrically powered vehicle designed especially for wheelchair users will become available in the UK soon.

– Driven directly from a wheelchair – access is via the rear-opening tailgate and steering is by motorbike style handlebar (joystick option will be available in time). Your own wheelchair is secured within the car by an interlocking device

– The current design allows parking rear end to the pavement for easy access and it is an ideal solution to drivers who only undertake journeys to local shops and services

– Because of its weight the Kenguru is classified as a scooter and therefore only a scooter driver’s licence is required to drive Kenguru

A little yellow car is parked rear end to pavement. A person in a wheelchair is entering the car via the rear ramp.

* The West: Wasps put sting in wheelchair sports

Adam Hart is a battle-hardened veteran of his sport. The 34-year-old is in training to represent WA in the National Electric Wheelchair Sports competition – for the 19th time.

A bearded man in an electric wheelchair on a court, holding a hockey stick in his hand. People in wheelchairs are whizzing around him, blurred from movement.

* High Gloss Blue: This Is GOOD Design: An Accessible Treehouse

Located around the corner from Atlanta in Rutledge, Georgia, every summer Camp Twin Lakes welcomes kids with special illnesses, disabilities, and other challenges that would exclude them from partaking in this most celebrated summer ritual elsewhere.

A wooden camp house in amongst the trees. There are ramped entrances, and a spiral slide out the other side.

7 thoughts on “Recommended Reading for December 25

  1. The problem with the Kenguru is what happens when it gets in an accident with a fully-weighted car?

  2. Mina: I’m guessing more or less the same thing as any other scooter getting into a crash, but perhaps with less gravel rash. But then, I’m not a huge fan of the vehicular arms race. I’d like to see more and more and more in small electric and hybrid cars, not fewer. Less hazard for pedestrians and cyclists, less fuel needlessly burned, and so on. It seems like this is a possible start to providing more choice for wheelchair users, other than large vans and such.

    I’m interested to see something like this that could carry a passenger.

  3. Cesy: I may want to ride the scooter round and round and round the treehouse. Except the scooter doesn’t fit a scooter on it. *makes wish for enough disposable playmoney for superawesome powerchair and passenger-enabled Kengurucar*

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