Daily Archives: 26 December, 2009

Kudos to the Others

I want to take a moment to give a round of applause to those Other People* in our lives…

The ones who help and support us…

Who comfort us when it really fucking hurts…

Who help us sit up when we can’t move…

Who know we are just having “one of those days” when we yell or are grouchy and happen to take it all out on them…

Who very seldom yell back…

Who know we are lying about how bad it is even when we lie about how bad it is…

Who fight on our behalf…

Who love us and hold us (and whatever else us *wink wink nudge nudge*)

Who make the shitty days tolerable by being there…

Who don’t ask for anything except for the chance to be with us…

Who cry with us, beside us, or sit stoically as we weep…

Who wipe vomit and count pills and keep track of appointments when our brains are too foggy to remember

or just assist us when we can do it all ourselves…

Who will sometimes remind us that we have or are pushing ourselves too far…

To all of you, be you abled or also disabled, who are loving and wonderful and also sometimes a little angry making…but who are trying…

We love you because you are you and without you…

The good days wouldn’t be as good…

And the bad days…would…well fuck… they are bad.

Thank you.

From the bottom of my ever loving heart.

*for lack of a better, inclusive term