- Signal Boost: British Columbia: The BCCPD invites organizations to our ‘Get Prepared’ workshop.
Via Email
Fires, storms, H1N1, floods. The BC Coalition of People with Disabilities’ Emergency Preparedness Program can help.
The Get Prepared workshop will use videos, demonstrations, personal stories, and recent Lower Mainland experiences to examine emergency preparedness. We will explore the best approaches that community organizations can use in designing emergency plans that focus on people with ...
- Recommended Reading for 22 October, 2010
Gentle reader, be cautioned: comments sections on mainstream media sites tend to not be safe and we here at FWD/Forward don’t necessarily endorse all the opinions in these pieces. Let’s jump right in, shall we?
At Astrid’s Journal, Multiplicity Myths:
I wrote this collection of myths a few years ago, intending to create a multiplicity page on ...
- Heel, toe
As I’ve mentioned previously, I have fairly mild cerebral palsy that mostly affects the left side of my body, and my left leg and foot in particular.
I’ve had sort of a strange relationship with my left side, and the foot attached. Because my left leg is a few inches shorter than my right one, my ...
- Death: Paul Steven Miller
It is with great sadness, that we at Disability Rights International (DRI) mourn the death of Paul Steven Miller, a former DRI board member and a legend in the disability rights movement in the United States. Paul died at his home on October 19, 2010, following a long illness, surrounded by his family and ...
- “The Challenge of Mental Illness in the Justice System” – Part 1: Criminal Court
On Tuesday evening, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada, The Right Honourable Beverley McLachlin, gave a talk in Halifax about people with a mental illness (her term, which I will use throughout) and their interactions with the justice system, both civil and criminal. For me, it was an interesting, although slightly, ...
- Recommended Reading for Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Good Day, all. It’s been a stressful week at Chez Anna (I’m putting this together at 5 a.m. my time) so forgive me for oversights, please.
Kali at Brilliant Mind, Broken Body: I am not your metaphor
This is something that has bothered me for a long time, and actually led to one of the very ...
- Pondering Preludes
Spoilers for Farscape: the third part of “Liars, Guns and Money” in Season 2 and, in Season 3, “Season of Death” and something you really really really won’t want spoiled for the second part of “Self-Inflicted Wounds”.
I like to keep DVD boxsets on hand for my study breaks, and my latest show is a 1990s/2000s ...
- Guest Post: Matchstick Girl
Amy Gravino is a certified college coach for individuals with Asperger’s Syndrome, and is diagnosed as having AS herself. She is currently attending graduate school at Caldwell College in Caldwell, NJ, where she is working to obtain her Masters degree in Applied Behavior Analysis. Amy is also authoring the book, “The Naughty Autie,” which ...
- Recommended Reading for October 19, 2010
Corina Becker at No Stereotypes Here: Real Communication Shutdown
I was recently asked by a person on Twitter to participate, and I responded that there wasn’t much of a point, since I am Autistic, and do not require to learn about difficulties that I myself face in communicating.
kaz at Kaz’s Scribblings (DW): trials and tribulations — ...
- Going Through the Motions
I’ve been in hiding.
I admit it.
I’ve been shoving myself headlong into activities that keep my busy, and exhausted.
Still I always feel
This strange estrangement
Nothing here is real, nothing here is right*
“Wow! Aren’t you Supermom?”
Well, not really. It just keeps me occupied.
Just hoping no one knows
That I’ve been*
But really, I don’t have this kind of energy. To ...