UK Disabled People’s Council Launches Manifesto for 2010.
The UK Disabled People’s Council (UKDPC) is pleased to announce the launch of an exciting new manifesto for the coming year. The Manifesto for 2010 sets out the UKDPC work programme on key issues that have a decisive impact on justice and rights for disabled people.
The UKDPC Manifesto highlights the essential issues and demands of disabled people for equal rights and justice for 2010. The UKDPC work programme for the coming year will specifically focus on human rights, independent living, the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD), ensuring the role of disabled people in co-production of future policies and striving to firmly place disability at the top of the political agenda.
They have a three page manifesto at the link. I know it’s election time in the UK.
Thanks for this!
I’m from the UK, so I think I might see if there is any way I can get involved…
Irony of ironies……the UKDPC website is hard for me to navigate……well done, people who produced that website!