“Supporting access to post-secondary education and employment for students
with disabilities”
All Abilities Awareness Week will take place at McMaster University, The Pulse centre, from March 1st to March 5th. The week has been designed to promote active living for people with disabilities, increase awareness in the general campus population of disability issues and provide information regarding disability services and supports on McMaster’s campus and in the community. There will be a focus on the upcoming Winter Paralympic sporting events and the Special Olympics. Paralympic athletes Jessica Tuomela, Darda Sales and Victoria Nolan will speak on Monday, March 1 to open the week. Other activities include an intramural wheelchair challenge and display tables with information on services for persons with disabilities.
For further information on the schedule for the week contact Disability Services at McMaster University: (905) 525-9140, ext. 24339.
Not actually going to this (it’s a rather long trip from Georgia), but I couldn’t help but be struck by the fact that the only contact info they give is a voice phone number. And Canada doesn’t even have IP-Relay…