QuickPress: Book List

I’ve added a new page to the site: Books of Interest.

If you check it out, you’ll notice very quickly that it’s almost all history books at the moment. We’ll fix that over time. I just found that I was procrastinating putting anything up out of fear that it was not the Perfect Ideal Book List Of Awesome.

Now it’s a Work In Progress Book List!

5 thoughts on “QuickPress: Book List

  1. Please do! I’m trying to think of the best way to do that. I tentative suggest emailing me at anna@disabledfeminsits.com, but note that my email gets overwhelmed very quickly so if I don’t answer to confirm receipt, it’s likely lost in my inbox. (I’m working on this.)

  2. Dear Anna,

    For more information on books and articles in disability history, please consult the Disability History Association website — http://www.dishist.org

    The website also includes links to other disability studies societies and websites.

    Finally, DHA President Penny Richards regularly posts lists of recent publications on H-Disability.

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