Recommended Reading for February 22nd

Warning: Offsite links are not safe spaces. Articles and comments in the links may contain ableist, sexist, and other -ist language and ideas of varying intensity. Opinions expressed in the articles may not reflect the opinions held by the compiler of the post. I attempt to provide extra warnings for material like extreme violence/rape; however, your triggers/issues may vary, so please read with care.

sullyfigureTiffiny at Disaboom: Jake Sully wheelchair action figure gets razzed:

And perhaps the most ironic/amusing detail of the wheelchair Jake Sully action figure is it’s ability to stand, including having moveable ankles, hips, and knees. Oh sweet irony indeed!

WHEELIE cATHOLIC: Disability humor: How does it feel to be the only nondisabled person in the room?:

In fact, I’d hate to be a quadriplegic who didn’t have a sense of humor. but it’s a lot different for me to make a joke about my disability than to be turned into a joke by someone else. […] Nondisabled people sometimes say they don’t understand the difference between appropriate and inappropriate disability humor (i.e., jokes that demean, objectify, label and dehumanize people with disabilities). But these nuances aren’t so hard to understand.

laughingrat: Psychology as Social Control, part zillion:

The whole DSM thing is really being discussed right now. Most of the stuff I’ve seen sounds like perfectly legitimate outrage; some of it actually expresses gratitude that certain mental states are being listed, because then, the reasoning goes, insurance companies will actually pay for their treatment. […] Don’t even get me started. Depression and complex PTSD are, as far as the Man is concerned, all in your head. Insurance coverage, my fat crazy ass.

Michael Isam at the Flagler College Gargoyle: Disabled students are invisible to able-bodied students:

Try negotiating those hallways on crutches, using a cane for balance or in a wheelchair.[…] But then there are those absorbed people blocking the entire walkway while they discuss the beautiful sheen to Rodney’s teeth. “Aren’t they just fabulous? You know his parents flew in a specialist from Switzerland just to clean them.” When you attempt to be polite and say “Excuse me”, they just look at you as if you crawled out from under a rock and how dare you interrupt this earth shattering important conversation.

Bob Williams at The Washington Post [Letters]: How to talk about disabilities:

What is glaringly missing from the debate over the epithet “retard” in The Post [” ‘Retard’: The language of bigotry,” op- ed, Feb. 15] is the voice of anyone with a disability who spent a lifetime enduring such garbage.

NewsMail: Disabled swing burnt in attack

The $25,000 Liberty Swing, designed for wheelchair users, was burned overnight on Wednesday in what Bundaberg Regional councillor Mary Wilkinson said was a “senseless act of vandalism”.

“We’re just shocked and shattered about the whole thing,” Cr Wilkinson said. “That swing was provided after an enormous amount of effort and donations by the community and Variety Queensland.”

2 thoughts on “Recommended Reading for February 22nd

  1. @Adelaide: And the OP mentions just that. It wouldn’t have been impossible at all for Mattel to design the action figure so that it wouldn’t be able to stand.

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