Suggestive Sell

from Shopwiki:

Shoprider electric wheelchair at comparison-shopping store. Related Items tab suggests wooden dining chairs.

The top part of the image is the search result box, showing an electric wheelchair priced at $2900. The bottom part of the image is the “Related Items” tab, which shows a choice of inexpensive dining-room chairs. (If you scroll down on the original page, you will also find stools and benches.)

From IRC:

[lauredhel] Oh, those wheelchair users, what hobbies do they – oh.

[lauredhel] But they like to SIT, right? How about CHAIRS?

[meloukhia] Can always use more CHAIRS!

9 thoughts on “Suggestive Sell

  1. See, I think you’re supposed to put the normal chairs on casters.

    That’s how it works, right?


  2. I strongly suspect it’s an automated thing based on word recognition; thus as “wheelchair” contains the string “chair”, other products containing the strong “chair” show up as “related items”. So, no thought went into it at all, basically…

  3. shiva – So, no thought went into it at all, basically…

    That’s what always happens though, isn’t it?

    Of course, I think there was no malice or “they sit all the time!” at play. (And where are the couches? Don’t they also lay down? Tsk tsk tsk.)

    I don’t know who’d search for a wheelchair and see the “related items” and go, yeah, I need a chair, too. Or maybe instead. Wheelchairs ain’t cheap, and does zie really need to be mobile? I think not! /silly

    They can’t play to individuals in wheelchairs, because they’re all individuals. Do you think it would be better if the “related items” were other assistive devices?

  4. I also think it’s auto-generated. It’d probably have been more helpful if it’s one of those “people who bought this also bought…” suggestions.

  5. Of course it’s a computer-generated match of the tag “chair”. But it’s still very much in much the wrong category of “furniture”. They really ought to make a smarter algorithm.

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